The Magic that is ..... Education

                                 Education .... Hmmmm!!!! Sitting there in the corner of the library is a boy sitting and doing his studies. Time has passed by. I don't go to school anymore, but I remember the pose. It's a pose I am familiar with, but a pose that is not mine.Mine was that of the distracted boy who looked at the trees, ran to the playgrounds and practised dance steps in the toilet while classes went on.

  I miss those days, they were fun, the best days.But thinking about that time, ther's always a little regret that I did not give much attention to my studies. I enjoyed the fun of education, but should have been a little serious too.Things were different at that time, there was nothing such as focus , and we studied because it was something we had to do.But I did well in my studies and liked the learning too. But I did not know the proper method of learning at the time.When I was in college, there was always talk about the purpose of higher education and how beneficial it would be. People said it held no value, and it was just a degree.Some called it just a "piece of paper".People left and departed for courses that imparted skills for jobs.They wanted to go where the money was, and so did I. I wanted to enroll for a technical course, and went to fill the form for the course. However, in my mind I was not prepared and I turned back, anf filled the form for my graduation..Never made a better decision in my life !!!!

             Education has a particular aim - when it started, it came to existence with the sole purpose of making the life of a person better.Think about it!!!! Imagine a man living in a forest. He lives like a savage, he catches the fish in the river, he kills animals for meat, he roams in a furskin in the forest ( maybe, no furskin) living on herbs and raw flesh.But what... if such a person were to be introduced to a refined and civilized society? Do you think he would fit into a society that has higher standards of thinking and action.? what would a savage like this do? He would be a nightmare, first of all. He would run along the streets half-naked and jump on trees to get fruits and chew on leaves. Would that be acceptable in this society??? He would soon be expelled from the society and would be considered an outcaste. A person would come to the argument that he is being himself, but a person who says he is comfortable being a savage, is really not being being himself  as man is a  thinker, and his thinking starts evolving as he grows with time . So Since we live in a society of thinkers and civilized people, we have to meet a certain standard and have to come to a particular level..... and what bring us  to that level. This thing called Education .. Information. The study of the air around us, the knowledge of the place we come from, knowing the trees, animals, our country , languages we learn so we can communicate, manners to present yourself in a better way, all these are the things we are groomed in so we can gel well in society and make our parents and country proud of us. This is what basic education in the country is supposed to bring out in the ones who seek the magic. I call it the first step which is the molding of a personality from the institution. Onr thing that i must say is that schools must take the initiative to focus on the grooming of  the students, because the way some adults of my time speak today, including myself is shameful. We have to take lessons in manners, because it's never seen around. Probably at the time, we would take it very casually and we have to accept the results.

The next step is on honing our skills. We study for a particular skill wherein we start honing that particular skill. All this requires will and discipline and especially good mentors because these are studies that could lead you to getting a better job, a good prospect in your career.America is one country that has really  respected the term "dignity of  Labour". Because in the country, I see people who even do odd jobs getting a good deal. At least this was the case when I was growing up when even a technician works in a state of the art studio. Its the same in the United Kingdom where you see technicians have good facilities. So the upper management would have a much better deal. So the economy prospers as the money is well distributed and
people are respected for whatever job they do, and the government strives to improve their state of living. The reason I say this is because education nowadays focusses on getting in to management or getting that white collared job. However , there are people with different wants and needs in their life. A society must be created where there must be a balance and everyone would be proud to do whatever job they, and they should do it with pride. Every link of the chain must matter . Even the standards of living for a sweeper must be better and an opportunity must be provided for one who wants to make a change. Hope to see the day very soon!!!!



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