Humpty Dumpty - who was he???

                                                                       Humpty Dumpty - who was he????

                                                              Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
                                                              Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
                                                              All the Kings Horses and Kings men
                                                              Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
                                                               toghether again

                   The poem I used to dance to when I was a kid, when I was very little ..... at the tender age. I used to love the poem and the rhyme. I used to hop like a rabbit when it was played on the casette of nursery rhymes that my parents had brought for me. This song also brings back some good memories of the good times I had as a kid. During the days of the tape recorder and the walkman.......

                    The lager falls from the casket into the mug!!! Time has passed by. Of  social change  and economics we now talk. Food, entertainment and lifestyle is the flavour of  conversations, and a different view appears on the horizon. The view of the sea and its mist, the  beer bottle on the table and the delicacies around it, mostly meat .. Since I love to eat.  I eat more than I drink, and on this lazy Sunday I was relaxed in a dream-like state and comfortable in the weather. And my eyes then darted towards the magazine in the corner. On the magazine was a graphic of  Humpty Dumpty as usual, sitting on the wall with his suit and bow as I normally see him in books and magazines. However, when I saw the picture this time, I just started to wonder!!!! Humpty Dumpty Hmmm!! So I went beyond the thinking of the character in the poem, the poem was made to sound good and jolly, but with years passing, there was a change in thought as I read the poem again. Humpty Dumpty has fallen from a wall and even the Kings horses and men could get him toghether??? Humpty was a fat egg, but surely he was not that heavy. so how could such a thing happen that he would not be lifted off the ground. Surely, something is wrong out here. And as  I  thought of Humpty Dumpty sitting on the ground  I paid  attention to his expression, it was an expression  of  a person being dejected  ..... and in a low spirit. Falling from a wall, the poem says it was a great fall, and  yes..., it must have hurt him badly, but to be dejected. So this may defintely have been more than a fall. It may have been something else.....

            What could this fall really mean? The wall , as i started placing things in order, was actually life itself and, as in our everyday life people journey on the way. Life, though is not smooth sailing, as we all know. There are ups and downs, and turn-arounds in the journey. However, sometimes there could be circumstances that could cripple your existence changing blue skies to gloomy waters. Circumstances, we say, change everything and sometimes these circumstances could leave a person lifeless and broken... from the inside. The death of a loved one, the loss of property, a goal not accomplised, a dream unfulfilled , criticism by people around you. People face problems on a daily basis, but sometimes its just too hard to deal with, and people just give up. This is the Great fall of Humpty Dumpty who lays there on the ground, broken and bleeding... unable to cope with the pressure.

            There could be Humpty Dumpties with many kinds of circumstances in this world. So, we could talk about the jilted lover. who liked a girl and she ditched him and married someone else? It was too hard for him to bear . With his broken heart he journeys through life thinking of her everyday. Nothing matters to him, but her love which he will never get. His parents do what they can for him ,they try to fix him up with another girl, but his heart only belongs to her. Friends and family also do what they can.He doesnt say much or do much, he may work or he may not, but on the inside, he is completely down. Its similiar in case of the loss of a loved one, the people are depressed and the thought always occupies their mind. I have known a person who was depressed as his dream of becoming an actor was not getting accomplished. he had been struggling for ten years and had not received much success in his endeavors. He sensed there was nothing to do, so he took a job in an office. He worked half -heartedly. Another form of Humpty -Dumpty!!!!

     Then there is the Humpty Dumpty that I like - the goalless Humpty Dumpty I call him. This Humpty Dumpty is a goalless human being, but a enjoyable one. He sits in offices everyday trying to do his daily chores, he's frustrated with a job he does not want to do. As he sits in the office trying  every possible method to avoid work. There is a wall over here, but no great fall. Bosses and colleagues from his office could setup as many programs to improve him, but he is going to stay the same. Won't be much of a change in him . He works for the money, and even if he loses the job, it will not bother him. He simply does not care !!!! the poor chap just has to get a focus and drive, that's all that is required.

      All said in the sun, I sipped on the lager beer as the sea rocked me to sleep . I wondered who was the person who made such a complicated  thing  fit into a stanza forming a poem, or was it the other way round wherein I had taken a  simple piece of this poem and turned it into  a  somewhat complicated article. This poem originated in 1870 and many theories have been put forward regarding this poem, but the origins are unclear. For now, I like what I think about it .....  you could say it's my own theory. As for the others, I don't possibly care and as the wind blows, I snore.....





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