The Acidity of Progress


                                What a day. I have begun to write again . Thank you Lord. As I begin to make my notes, I see the thoughts forming on the visual frame of the horizon of my mind. and my mind wanders to nature, and the to the beautiful white churches.and to the beautiful Portuguese traditional houses of Goa. Yes, thats the Goa of the time that is getting clouded nowadays as dirty cultures have invaded the state bringing in their foul toxic lifestyles .

    What a Goa we have enjoyed.from the beautiful, cultured goan of hospitality and the ships to the goans who filled peoples lives with joy to the youth of today - the outsiders who have brought in their dirty culture and their poison from the North Indian States - the hub of scams, corruption and rapes. Goa is being threatened by an evil culture, and it has sunk its teeth in, destroying th precious goodness and traditions. Though the Goans have put up a fight against this evil, the evil has already poured into parts of Goa, and has become a real problem for the locals. They cannot live peacefully and like the rest of Indoa which has its share of drugs, crime and gutter style political activity, all this dirt is now entering Goa and destroying her for the worse.The mangroves, the natural vegetation, the life is at threat to coming under the arms of a vermin culture which will decay the place like they have destroyed the rest of India, replacing palms with power plants and grass with tar.

    The same goes for Bombay, which has been turned into a furnace pot and if you compare the Bombay with the British, you will see a major difference. The Mumbai of today is a sharp contrast with the Bomaby of the yester-years. The landscape is full of huge skyscrapers that are designed for NRI’s as the local Indian cannot afford to pay for these kind of houses. So the houses are basically an investment for NRI’s who can afford it and then sell it when the prices move up. It is surprising how the proces move up in fact that the only things are only getting worse in the real estate industry. And if prices are to go up, they are rising keeping NRI’s in mind leving the locals wondering what would they need to do to build a house. The current generation is having trouble owning a one - room kitchen, so the dream to own things like a plot or bungalow is out of the question.And even if you want to do so, there are land sharks swimming waiting for an opportunity to seize your money . 

               And as a pattern emerges, there is a motive - a motive of greed and fight for power, which is long known that is causing the lives of people and cultures and leaving civilizations in disappointment as they are jammed together like cackling chickens, in a heap of chicken shit trying to find a semblance of peace,which they won’t with the escalations of problems in seconds. There used to be a village called Bandra which started getting popular as a place with a good culture, though it has shades of grey. However, in its progress people just wanted to rush there and buildings came up. Property proces hiked up, and there was a rush of people from different cultures spoiling the unique stamp that Bandra had - the stamp of the Catholic and Christian culture and the good people of Bandra many of whom could not adjust with the low class of teh newcomers and have left to other places in Mumbai and have also gone abroad.

Punjab is one beautiful state in India that is now suffering in an epidemic of drug addiction, with a major percentage of youth getting involved in crime and gun control. Ths is a very different Punjab from the Punjab that we knew earlier which was a place of hardworking and beautiful people. But it now is a hub to the monster of narcotics which is destroying the youth and families. Bollywood is a main cause of this, and also influences from the local singers who prmote “ thug culture and the list goes on. 

We need to ask ourselves, if progress is good. Progress is good, no doubt as it makes our life comfortable and easier. However, there is never value and emphasis put on town planning and also there is bad character to take advantage of it. The human element is the cause, and the upbringing and the media influence. The character of the politicians who are fighting for power and who want to hold their sway has lead to the loss of our natural land, forests, destruction of the goodness that we receive the nourishment from and by joining hands with corruption and crime has led to the doom of the family and culture, and maybe finally the countries.

               This is what has been the called the “ Acidity” of progress. The very venom that seeps into the heart of a village, state or country and damages the core foundations leading to a complete and utter decay of a good and nurtured society. The only things that can stop this are dedicated and good leaders who care for their responsibility more than their position and for aware and vigilant people who have to protect the future. I have seen people come toghether for this, but leaders are like finding lotuses in the muck. The decisions taken for progress which is not sustainable and in harmony with nature and is basically an “ acidic” .


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