The Real Patriots


                                                                         The Real Patriots

It was their day of Independence – so the Prime words – Celebration and Jubilation They ran around with their flags, crackers were bursting everywhere. The atmosphere was full of joy and euphoria.The streets were full of shops, selling of wares , flags and all kind of accessories. Snacks and sweet were cold at every corner to feed hungry smacking lips.

  The flag was hoisted, and the people stood up for the national anthem, in every street and corner, in every school and stadium. People pledged their belief for the country. Standing up for the national anthem in every street and corner, in every school and stadium. People pledged their belief for the country. Standing up for the national anthem, they pledged their love and service for the country. The whole day films were played portraying the local national heroes and freedom fighters. They saw the suffering and the troubles that were taken by the leaders and people to free the country. There was a feeling of pride and also sadness as the people felt for their leaders.

     The afternoon slipped in, and there were programmes going on, with the propaganda of nationalism. Loudspeakers throughout blared noises of national songs and then there were film songs. The festivities continued till the evening, making it a very memorable day for the people.

    These people, while celebrating and shouting slogans, actually littered the place. There were pape cups and plates, littered everywhere. What’s suprising, the same flags the people were waving, was now seen fallen on a ground.

  There were places that had become completely dirty with wasted food, and by the next day, after the celebrations the whole city looked like a wastehouse. It is expected that the sweepers will do the job. However the patriotic people who stood up to respect the country. They sang about the country and made merry, but then littered the floors of their country. So wher did the respect go? Its got to be shown not only in thoughts but in acts, which is ot the case here.So is patriotism basically events of history that we just remember and then carry on with normal life. This patriotism has got to be put into effect. The country is to be maintained and we are responsible for it.
   So, are there any real patriots left today? Yes, there are the small organizations and indiviuals who lend a hand in cleaning the cities. Cleaning the dump that the majority of the public have left behind.


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