Hey, Mr Vegetarian

                                The doors opened ..... with a bang. There he stood, in all his splendour , in his purity shining in that beautiful white light . He walked in to the  crowd who gaped at him at his attire and his stiff upper lip. who was this being who had come out from nowhere and into this room. The stars faded away and eveything came to the normal state of being, as everyone went back to doing their own thing. The stranger came and sat on the table next to me , looking at me with a cocky arrogant grin. Sitting next to his table, he called the help

Me: Hey !!! Goodday. How are you Doing

Stranger :  I'm good. My name is Don  --- Don Fandango. Good to meet you

Me:  So you're new in town .People like you are not seen in these parts

Don: Yes, thats right. I,m new out here

He had the most odd attire, probably it was some kind of costume, it had a most bizzarre look. It was a shining costume which crossed the line between funny and amazing

As I reflected on his attire, the help came around and asked him what he would like to have.

Don :  I'd like to have a whiskey on the rocks , a rum bottle and a bowl of salads and tomatoes

Me: its a odd choice you have there, mixing drinks with veggies .  you should try some meat, its fills the stomach compared to the leaves you eat

Don: Well,  I have a particular choice of food, and my food does not include carrion. I am a food puritan

Me:   The food that you eat is what the cows in the land eat ( I shot back )

Don: But its healthy and nutririous

Then he went on with a long speech stating how good vegetarian food is for the body, it s benefits and how he despised the food  that was "meat" and its ill effects and  what it did to people , and how it should be discontinued as
food . he was of the strong opinion that animals should not be eaten as food as a lot of attrocities are done to eat these
animals, and he looked with scorn at the roast beef on my table which  I relished . Eating animals to him was a return to cannibalism. He considered himself a puritan because he lived on the food that the earth provided and not because he ate the creatures that he co-existed with.

Me: Couldnt  disagree at all with you, Mr Fandango. In fact, I like many of your points about  being vegetarian, especially the health benefits. Also I would nt like an animal to be killed to fill my stomach ( I was a little uneasy myself --- i myself did not like the thought of animals being killed.Its not a good sight). --- you were right about it. I told him  - he was right about many things he said .

Me: Of Course, youre right about many facts. But theres also the fact about nature, that animals prey on each other so mercilessly while we at least give them a good life and fatten them up  or if we kill them, most of the time it is done discreetly.

Don: But that does change the Brutality of it .its still killing a living being in cold blood.

Me: but the blood is warm, not cold

Don : ( Fuming) you think youre smart. but youre not a puritan like me . I dont kill anyone to satisfy my stomach.

Now this was an odd thing to be in the bar - something you never see, but in this bar there was a library at one small corner filled with a couple of books. Probably the owner liked the place and did not want to close it down and kept it running. I happened to be an active member of the library . so I invited  Mr . Fandango to the place and showed him a
particular book.

Don: What is in this book?

Me: Well  .... I had gone through this book a few months ago , and I came across the work of an Indian Scientist who discovered an amazing thing about plants. He discovered that plants could breathe like we do . they could respond to
touch and  they would also grow better if spoken to well......

Don ( happily) : Can I keep this book ? ( with a smile )

Me: I don't keep the books around here, you would have to talk to the owner about it. Besides, I just know you.

Don : Allright, I,ll do that........

He sipped on to his drink . As my eyes watched, he seemed to be pouring over the book to get some knowledge from
the book.

Me: so you say you are a ....... Puritan

Don: Yes, I am

Me: and you justify that because you are a vegetarian  and a person who eats off the earth.

Don: yes, that's right

Me:  Did I just tell you about the book that tells you that plants are living beings just like us and are responsive to sense and touch.

Don : ( In anger) oh yes, you did !!!

Me: ( Cheekily ) Yes , I did.  You Scum vegetarian, you call yourself  a Puritan but the fact is that you yourself are eating living beings yourself and you have the nerve to hold your noses high and call us eaters of dead flesh while you do some good deed. You could be eating  the heart of  a plant out and you would never know it . You joyfully sing songs when you break the hands and legs of the plants saying you are pure. So what kind of puritan are you??

Don: ( Defensively) :  Hey, man Plants dont feel no pain. They dont have a spine like you and I do . They are a different
                                       species , not like us.

Me:  Every living being feels pain, in ways that we see and in ways that we dont . And the basic point is that its a living being . you have to take that status off your neck and come and sit in the row of the people you call carrion eaters. that is the plain truth ( ha ha ha ) -  Laughing wickedly.

Mr. Don Fandango is furious and raging . he gets and walks out of the  door shouting that he will get back to me.

Me: yes, I'll wait .... ready with a reply.

The night got more merrier and everyone was having a good time. I sipped on the whiskey and the beef watching the stranger walking away in the moonlight.


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