The Reptilian Brain

                                                                             The Reptilian Brain


                                       The Human Brain !!!!!! the thing that  has made many changes to the world we live in . It creates wonders in the world . Bringing about the change in the world , building up economies and creating human marvels all originate from thought and will to do something better. Truly, an amazing part of us that has taken us to great heights.
The brain evolves from experiences, and due to constant thinking the brain has made changes that only one species on this planet has acheived , and that is man. The master of this planet , he has made the changes that take this planet forward to new dimensions and also he has revolutionised the way of thinking on the planet .

      However, the brain is specific to every person in the world. so , there are are people you have with good thoughts and good ideas who come from good backgrounds. At the same time there are people who come from disturbed backgrounds who exhibit behaviours of a different character . Defensive, Aggressive, Violent, Arrogant - all different types of disturbed beings. The types who either come from backgrounds of poverty and violence or either  from parents who have not done their job well. These people are the troublemakers - the cause of concern to society.  Burn them alive - hang them on the hook - run carriages over them and watched them choke in their blood. These people are being promoted in the media for their cheap behaviour. Society over the years had strived to differentiate itself from these
animals and  make themselves better as humans. But these people are present everywhere and are a constant problem - especially in my life. These people are narrow -minded and have unpropotionate tendencies of thinking - its the thinking of a snake, which sees everything coming towards it as a danger. You can't pet a snake , as it is a snake because of its thinking - the thought to survive. Similiarly , we have this very nature in humans wherein they perceive anthing coming to them as Danger. The types who either come from backgrounds of poverty and violence or either  from parents who have not done their job well. These people are the troublemakers - who brew the broth of destruction in peace. These are the low class people who are not peaceful and miserable and want company in their misery. So being with them is what you call a "unpleasant experience". People from well educated backgrounds and with optimistic outlooks cannot mingle with these people. So what makes these people what they are? 

Science suggests that people like these make use of what is called the Reptilian brain or the Ancient Brain which  which is said to be the connection of man and his evolution from the reptile . Reptiles are the onews that live in the wild  and in the forests. Out there in the forests,there is a constant struggle for survival and  competition due to which reptiles rely on their instincts and very defensive about their territories and survival. Similarly , these defensive , arrogant, narrow-minded personalities work on a similiar outlook. They see everything around as danger and are ever ready to defend as
protection. I deal with these people in the call centres everyday - I call them the "low class baggage" they are the ones
who sit next to the team leader , who work as spies, who are always eyeing you to find a fault , and talking with them is not something you would like to do. No decent person would like being with them. I wish I had anther job at times, because there is a lot of unneccesary baggage a person has to deal with from these people. They come from the slums and they get jobs they dont deserve.

  These people are the reason that society is crumbling in  todays world because they have made it a dog -eat - dog world and the competition has become the worst of its times. The modern world now works on reptilian behaviour  where
trifle belongings from a person are snatched and the world is in deep chaos. It has now become a forest where man is lowering himself to the position from mammal to reptile. Yes, we will fill the connecting link between the mammal and the reptile, and to our surprise we may find that there is no link as we ourselves may be reptiles clawing for territory among each other and  the world will be a different place, by the way things are going. God Help us , from the growth of the reptilian invasion . It is already among us and just one last thing to say, only the light can save us from the darkness
in these times.


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