The Priests Dream

                                                                         The Journey .. Spiritual

               Darkness , she was crawling to the sun, her fingers in a purple haze surrounding the yellow yolk of the sky. The winds blew all over, in a mild breeze across the ocean. The winds had been circling the sea , and the chill began to set in.
The dark hours of the night began to set in, and the sea started to sway in a psychedelic haze. A  beautiful village stood by the sea, with beautiful farms surrounding it.The men started going home as their familes prepared dinner  for them. The fires in the field were put out , and as time went by, everything was pitch black.

     The village was made up of farms, houses and a Church. There was a priest in the Church who used to administer to the spiritual needs of the people. He was working in his office and was very tired at the end of the day. He had been working in this church for the last five years. The year was very good, with many people coming to the faith, but it had Bincreased his work to administer them. It left him tired all the time, and today it was the same as usual. But he never complained as he was happy that things were looking up. He went to his room and lay down. Immediately he fell asleep, tired from all the fatigue, as the moon began to come out of the clouds.

        The breeze was blowing in the night, moaning ..... in an eerie sound. The sound travelled all the way to the church , and  the trees swayed behind the cross, distorting the sound. The night passed by...... around the clock of  Nine, there was a knock... a knock on the door . A thump, thump,thumph, thump on the door. The priest , who was suddenly woken up ... was surprised and anxious. He seemed a bit scared , as a door knock at his time in the village could be dangerous. who could be knocking at the door.Could it be a theif? or a burglar.... or even worse, someone out to murder him. He shudered in fright. There were no threats to him from this village, but somehow he seemed uneasy and sleepy. However, he held the cross by the bedside, gathered some strenght and opened the door. There was a man standing at the door. He told the priest that his father was dying in his house. He was being taken care of by the doctor, but he wanted to speak to a priest .

       So the priest put on his cassock, and told the man to lead him to his house. Half -sleepy and dizzy, the priest followed the man. Normally, the priest would not go as it was pitch dark. But the man seemed so sad and helpless that
he did not have the heart to refuse him. He folllowes the man through the village. They reached a pond, near the church from where the man took a left to the palms. As they crossed through the palms, it seems that the palms were stretching their hands out to him like fingers, horrible witch fingers as if they were trying to grab him. the priest clenched his fist to keep braving on. They passed the hideous palms, as thats what the priest thought they were. They passed two housed in the village and there was a third house where they stopped. The priest asked if this was the house. No, the man said -the house is still  some distance away  over the mountain - behind the house. The priest said that this was too far and wanted to turn back, saying it was too dangerous as he had never been down the road and it was away from the village.
 He turned around to walk back, but the man pleaded with him saying that his father wa too ill and this is something he really wanted to do. The priest, being a good -hearted man, though suceed said that he would do it.... but was very reluctant about it. There was a path to his house from around the mountain and both of them had to walk through this path . It was a big lonely stretch, winding all the way to the other side. The man said that his fathers house was just at the beginning of the road. So it was just the path, and the man seemed secure about walking down the path.Maybe, he had done it many times before, the priest thought. so they started  the walk down the path. The man, going forward, priest following the man on this road that was pitch-dark. The man had a lamp in his hand, and though he was very gentle, he put the lamp to his face which him made him look very scary . Everytime the torch would go near the face, it looked like a ghoul had jumped out of him.

The priest, tensed in eye, scared in heart but firm in thought said that I have to go ahead and help this man. BUt who was this man, and who was his father. The priest had never seen him before, and he had a father and they lived in a house behind the mountain, which is a place not many from the village go to, except some woodcutters to get the wood. Now he was walking with this man all alone with the lamp as the only light in this darkness. Where would the priest reach? he wondered , and while he did, he noticed a child walking next to him. wh-what..? the priest stopped in his tracks. Was he hallucinating ? A child... in this darkness. he stretched his hand out to the child to touch him. But the man shouted, saying that they had to hurry. The priest turned his gaze to the man, and said that there was a child walking with him and turned his head to look at the child. There was nobody out there, but the wind. The man told the priest "Father, there is no time. We must hurry, as my father breathes in his last moments." The priest followed the man, now ever more unsure , but still clinging to his cross, nervousness creeping up his spine. He was pale , bit his eyes reained wide awake as they walked down the path. The breeze blew around, moaning deep sounds as if they were demons from hell. The sounds were loud that the priest was shaking in fright wondering if they were real and if he was actually in hell . Such awful sounds they were. His spirit reduced in fright , but he kept going on when out of nowhere, a hound dog pounced on him.
The priest fell to the ground , and the dog on him. The hound had blood red eyes and the fiercest growl the priest had ever known, and teeth razor sharp set to kill, but he was quickly yanked by the man. "Easy, boy" the man said  "he's a friend."

 The priest got up to his feet, looking at this evil creature with hideous eyes, and salivating breadth... The man apologized and told the priest that they had reached the house. The priest wiped the sweat off his forehead, and headed to the house. Slowly gathering his belongings, he went to the house . The man his father was in tha main room when he opens the door. The priest moved towards the door, and slowly turned the knob. when he turned the knob, a man lay on the bed, his back covered towards the Priest. The Priest, in a wavering tone, said " you asked for me ,?"  Suddenly, the room became dark, as the man turned his head to say "yes, father . I want to -" when a black form came out of the man, a horrible beast , with the same red eyes and gnarling teeth,staring at him and growling in anger. The priest screamed in a loud voice, only to wake up from his bed.. in fear, in hot sweat, to wake up in the night, from this horrible dream.

       The priest got up, sat down releived that it was over. It was a bad dream, one of the worst he may have imagined. He lit up his lamp, and walked towards the basin. He kissed the cross in front of the basin, making a sign of the cross he washed his face. He was much more relaxed now, and he sat in his chair thinking about the dream. He could'nt think of much, but there was one thing that went through his mind. The man wanted something, what did he want?he had made a full journey in the dream, but never got to get what the man said, what he wanted. So he decided to stop thinking about it and go back to bed. And it was at this time that the clock struck nine ...... and there was a thump on the door. The prie3sts heart almost popped out of his mouth. The same thump, the thump that started in the dream, the thump that he had heard was sounding at the door. The priest shuddered. Could this really be happening !!! The dream was becoming a reality. The priest did not know what to do..., for a minute. But he mustered the courage and went to the door. He slowly opened the door. The same man was standing outside, same hair , same eyes everything was similiar from the dream. But this time, fear hit the priest . The man gave the same reason , his father was dying and he wanted to speak to the priest. The priest told him it was too dark, and dominantly said that he could not come ... as it was too late in the night, and gave the excuse that he had a cough and was not in health to go anywhere at night. The man pleaded, but the priest denied him and shut the door. As the door shut, the priest was quiet .......and felt he had done the right thing. However, in a minute, he realized that he had not found out what the man had to say in the dream. He quickly opened the door, and saw the man walking in the distance. He called out to the man, who immediately came back. He told the man that he would make the journey with him. Before he came with him , he had to do one thing - he wanted to the chapel and prayed before the MOther of God, Queen Mary for strenght in this journey.He had to cross the devils path to find this, but he knew he had God's hand and his faith.

        He started walking with the man, and as he came out of  The Church, a voice whispered - "Curiosity kills the cat" . He looked around, and checked. There was no one around, nothing. HE started walking with the man. They walked to the
village pond  and took a left for the palms. HE felt the same eerie palms playing their part, but he kept going on. HE said the rosary continously as they passed the palms. They then went through the two housed and reached the third house
when the man, who didnt know anything said - Father, my house is behind the mountain. we will have to walk the path to my house which is pitch dark. The priest hesitated for a minute, and was trembling. But he said - I will come with you. Something tells me I should" . The man started walking  behind him , following him - this time the priest was suceed . HE kept chanting the rosary as the winds started moaning hoarsely like wolves. They were even worse than the dream, it looked a like a pack of wolves were howling like rabid lions. Nothing could be seen - it started raining and the waters were pouring like an icy fire, every drop burning the skin, but the priest went on, saying his rosary and catching the cross. while praying , the same child appeared stretching his arms towards the priest to hold him. The priest knew this, and continued his prayers till the child disappeared and could be seen no more. HE carried on as the grass scratched his feet, and knew what wasw coming next. The hound was going to jump on him, so he kept a defensive pose carrying on behind the man... praying on. The hound appeared, and stared at him growling at him, but this time , due to some miracle did not jump on him. Staring at him with those blood thirsty it looked like it wanted a big bite out of him!!!

    The house stood in front of him, and the man went to control the dog. His biggest fear of this journey stood in front of him. What would happen in the room? He knew what had happened earlier . He was fearing to go in. There was also another reason that the priest had come along all this way, it was because the man may have wanted to say something important before he passed away. Something !!! the priest had to know what it was. As he administered to the spiritual needs of his community, this was his duty. So he walked towards the door.... slowly, ... and steadhily and then kept a tight grip on the door. He turned the knob of the door slowly, bit by bit, slowly ... and pushed the door open...

The old man sat with his back turned to the priest. The priest (in a quivering voice) said "you called for me." when the man turned, the priest expected the shock and quickly closed his eyes. Darkness, for abrief moment and then light as his eyes opened - the sick old man was staring at him "why did you close your eyes?" The priest was astonished " I... I'm feeling a little sleepy"At that time , a doctor walked in with a tonic. The priest, coming to his senses, asked the man .. "what do you want to tell me." The old man said "Father, I want to to make a confession" The FAther couldn't beleive himself. The old man Continued " I have lived a life of sin and never gave a thougt about it. But as my time came near, I realized the wrong I have done and want forgiveness" The Priest sat down for the confession,and the man began by confessing and continued till he confessed all the wrong he had done in his life. At the end of his confession, he lay back on his bed and finally breathed his last. The soul had been reunited with god, free from the clutches of  Sin. The family members went in the room to mourn the passing of their famile member. The priest came out of the house, and sat on a chair, tired with what had gone through the night. In the darkness, he saw Satan, in the black shape that had tried to attack him earlier, the seeker and destroyer of  souls running among the trees towards the forest.



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