Smart work .... they say

                                                Smart work!!! Yeahh. Its a good thing. I like it. Thinking smart, get the job done , having time for ample priorities and not putting too much on the job, the result being a confident and relaxed candidate who can tackle problems easily, who can get to the core of the matter and understand issue, and then correctly deal with them.
Smart work puts you at an adavantage, giving you the added benefit. I was introduced to this concept during schooling, in its rough form when I used to see people making excuses to get out of class to practice their dance moves for a local competition while getting help from their friends to write notes for them, which they used to study later. It was smart work, killing two birds with one stone. It was beautiful, it was a great thing to see and things worked so flawlessly in this

             This system of smart was disorganized, but still so organized because it generated results, more than expected. In the clasroom of fifty, I was a silent kid who observed things, but said nothing. I observed the hardworkers in the class, they did well and worked hard to get to it. They got their results and toiled hard day and night to get heir job done. The hardworker had to put in a lot of effort to get the job done.The smart workers combined all their forces and worked and work became easier for them. My introduction to this concept came formally in a personality development class with the story of the woodcutter who was given a hour to finish cutting a tree. he slept on the job for 45 minutes , after which he got up in 15 minutes and finished cutting the tree within the 15 minutes. So smart work can be done by an indiviual, too.
One of the thinkers who advocated this philosophy is Edward de bono. He has propogated theories on smart work which as the market name "out of the box " thinking. Done with a purpose too make work more efficient, and also help people to give other priorities more time, it is something that made a difference to the lives of people.But there was one thing I would not like to leave out, the joy on the face of the hardworker and the elevated feeling that he gets when he suceeds is something that he works for.

          With the passing of time, I started working in a big company and got introduced to the big setup of corporates. At the start, things are always great working in a good company is everybody's dream. A good atmosphere to work in and start making things better in your life is what any person would require. And at this time, i started learning the culture of the workplace. how things work, the way people think, the way people are, their attitudes towards work. Many lecturers had talked about the use of smart thinking in the workplace, how it would affect things in the workplace and bring about better changes. I looked about for these things - to find smart working people. There was always talk about working smart in every company I joined. this company too talked about smart thinking, and the advantage it had over people lives - to make it better. Here I was introduced to the real, practical world Smart Thinker - the person who uses his thinking to generate smart results, to benefit himself .... and, in the process becoming a nuisance to others. This smart thinker is the practical thinker we see, who has totally misconstructed the smart thinking in his mind and used it to demonize a good idea. The smart thinker is now a disguise, for the person that ordinary people call a "fraud". He has benefitted from this concept, when he tries to dump work on others to please management, use force tactics to get the work done, use crooked language to cover his weakness , abusive attitude to get benefits. This is the smart thinker of the day, always on the lookout for opportunities where others work hard, and he can use that work to make name and money. This is the smart thinker in reality - a bonafide thief who works within the legal parameters to obtain illegal gains. The top people side these scum, as they benefit from their tactics. Smart thinking , or rather the misconstruction is the mechanism that runs corruption in the real world. So you see crooked employees co-operating with their bosses, supplying girls to their seniors to get that promotion, giving goods away to other companies to get that extra pay in their hands. The concept of smart thinking is now an ugly monster. When governments think smartly to benfit themselves, an entire country is left to fend its woes while the top men enjoy luxurious pleasures. Why, because they played smart, and saved for the next seven generations of their family. The businessmen who avoided tax to the country, played smart and saved his money, which could have been used for building the country. The person who stole the lid of the manhole, played smart so he could save his work for two weeks, and later a child fell in the manhole for his cleverness. In reality, in these days, I have seen the demon more than the saint. The operator in the call centre knew his calls would not be monitored in this particular week, so he dropped the call.and avoided helping the customer.Nobody would tell him a thing. The builder who pays the commisioner a bribe and builds a weak building, which collapses.Smart thinker!!! He was a short term smart thinker, hoping he would be saved after spending cheap materials on the buildings. He would pay double the money in law suits and his reputation would be damaged once the building comes down..In reality, in these days, I have seen the demon more than the saint. Probably, I may have not seen the saint at all. I wonder where he disappeared!!!

        The computers are true products of smart thinking, they made life easier for people. The Introduction of email, chat helped people communicate . With mobiles you can communicate from wherever you are, but there is a lot of hard work and thinking that goes into making these items. This is actually where hard work comes in and later progresses to smart work, and this is actually the way i love it. Then again there can be no rules to smart thinking which is a great concept as that would limit it to the box. However, there is line - a line which must not be crossed, the difference between right and wrong. Society has crossed this line a long time back, and the cover is smart thinking. Walking to our destruction, and we know it. The wrong Smart thinking just accelerates it.




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