Social Media - the Lethal side

 As the age of technology dawns again and again leading us to new horizons, starting from the first flight taken by the Wright brothers to the computer to the current generation of changing mobiles, from the mobile that was just a phone to the current generation of smart phones which are basically a palmtop computer with excellent features of communication.

Along with the changes of the mobile came new changes in communication - apps and websites that made it possible to speak to people nationally and internationally, at the click of a button. And now, people could form groups, in thousands and probably millions. People can now communicate with their celebrities on the internet, people can share information, jokes and images in seconds. All of this comes down to what is now popularly known as social media. And though social media has brought about many changes which are good to humanity, it does bring it's share of evil. All the goodness of social media can be tilted to reveal a new dimension, a very horrible one. Something even the spirit world may fear, if I may say so.

Imagining a period of time when I grew up, when movies were told in a particular story format, and one of the formats I remember was that of an evil man, the villain leading a couple of people to the house of the good character in the movie, and as he instigates the crowd. I can still remember the face of the horrible man as he points his finger making accusations. There was the scene when the good characters walks across the road and is hurled with abuses, insults, rant and a variety of cuss-words by the cronies of the evil man and people who are under his influence. The
words uttered affect the person psychologically and they end up leaving the village or probably hanging themselves.

That was a small village I was talking about. Now this is a big stage that we are talking about, a national stage and depending on the case, it could also be a global one. Imagine a celebrity in this time, or people caught in an awkward situation. Imagine the comments made to you by people all over the country. It's not just comments made against you. It's videos, images, your family history dug up, your secrets made public and every ounce of your privacy trampled upon. And you can nothing but watch - just like the brick put in the mouth of a dog so that he cannot bark.

There is a television journalist who has taken these tactics of social media and adapted them to television furthering his agenda and boosting television ratings to increase revenue. There are cases of celebrities who have committed suicide due to being subjected to this. In the age of television people could change locations to avoid this torture. But how do you protect yourself when anyone over the world can access your information just by clicking a button.

That's the reason why I had said earlier that the ghosts of the spirit world, if brought under the scrutiny of social media would not be able to handle it. And they couldn't die because they are spirits. There are laws and precautions being taken to avoid this social evil which leads people to depression and anxiety and also has taken many lives, but it's a long way to a safer place for social media victims. The list of victims rises like a tidal wave.


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