The Revenge of Reincarnation




                                         Smoke, it rose in the air … swirling in the room with the white curls rising and circles created one by one only to vanish in seconds in the colorless air. A big lounge chair was at the center of the room, and in that room smoking his cigar, sat the Don. He blew the swirls of smoke while he puffed his cigar.  His cheeks contracted and his eyes as he took huge puffs pulling the smoke inside his body.  He held his glass of Scotch in the other hand, the smoothest whiskey ever seen. He had a huge intimidating presence, and always demanded the best of everything.


A highly materialistic mind, he had amassed a lot of wealth and fortune over the years. He was from the underworld, and this road was not a rosy one. It was a road of thorns, and it was not him who suffered from the thorns – but the people who experience his presence. He always looked to the big castles and mansions, and hoped to own them. He knew the road would not be the one of morality, but he did not hesitate to take the road. He started by theft and robbery. Then he went to other jobs like arson and kidnapping. It was not long before he was introduced to knives and guns – and he took his steps towards killing and murdering people which was a very lucrative business for him.


   He built the foundations of his empire on the bodies of dead people. Their dead skulls cemented his empire. He found every bad trade, and invested in it to capitalize from it. He invested in the stock market, and filled it with scams. He joined communities of social services and plundered their accounts plus earning from their name. Entering the government, he build fake funds and fake schemes to cheat people of their hard earned money.


  He felt no regret for his actions. He was just, as he said born evil with the seed of the wicked in his heart. The things he did, as he said were right according to him as he was “following his heart” and to him , the acts that he did was what he was born for. He always felt a sense of pride in his actions as he believed that he had created jobs for a lot of people who worked under him. He felt in every sense that he was a businessman and a provider, but he was different – a merchant of evil who bathed anyone below his standards in blood. Many of his accomplices had met their fate at his hands, which was the hand that held the golden gun, cherished by him and was the terror of many hearts.


Now, he was a point in his life where he was at the peak of his empire. He had it all, and thousands of people worked under him. He was hated by society and sneered upon, but was untouchable and beyond anybody. There was just one person who he was below, and he looked up. He though “God, you’re still up there, and I’m still down here. I will be coming for you, I’ll find a way!!!


What man could not do, God did. Even though he was untouchable by man, his health attacked him. The food and drink had taken a toll on him and his heart was blocked with fat. In a minute, he fell down to the ground. He had suffered a massive heart attack and immediately died on the spot. The man who had been undefeated by life was now conquered by death.


     The Don woke up and looked around? What had happened? It looked like as if he was struck by lightning.  Was this a bad dream? No, it wasn’t. It was the real deal. His soul had left his body and had been transferred to a room, which was white from all sides. He sat there wondering where he was. He tried to check for a door, but there was none. There was just a chair and he sat on it. He was too shaken to say anything.


As time passed he felt himself expanding. His head started expanding upwards, along with his legs. His hands started moving towards the side and he started elongating like a tube. He started growing all over the tube. It was then that he had realized that his soul has transcended from his body and he had taken a new form. He realized that he was now inside a seed, which was growing into a plant.


As time passed, he had become a small plant. He was now in a forest, and the forest though green was not a good place. The animals from the jungle passed by, and often urinated on him. He was a plant, so he could see everything but could do nothing. So animals pissed on him, and also laid their fecal matter on him. This was a massive hit on his pride as in his previous life there was nobody who could do that to him. He would have cracked their skulls open and drank their blood. But here he was an open toilet for everyone to piss on.


His soul kept growing in different directions and took different shapes within the tree. Sometimes his nose was at the bottom of the tree and his eyes on the top, and there were days when his nose sat on his head. His body parts were continuously shifting and many head cold see his scrotum. This was something that he suffered and nobody could see. It was discomforting to see his rectum while his face was at the base of the tree.


As he grew older, he started to become a refuge for all kind of creatures – birds came to nest on him , grubs started digging in his bark , all kind of snakes and lizards found shelter in the gap of his roots. Mites and frogs infested his barks. And fungus covered on places where the wood decayed as he was continuously growing. He was most discomforted as he, who was once living in a mansion was now pushed to the most horrible corner of earth, with all reptiles crawling over his body and all birds creating a colony over his head


Then there was a new addition – of bees building a beehive in his area. The problem that came with them was that, though he had no fear of their sting, he had to hear their buzzing noise throughout in addition to the other insults and disgrace that he had to suffer. He was a Don, if he could go back to being a don, he would have trampled these insects and set the forest on fire. But he could do nothing, but watch.         

 A tribal village had come up near the forest and the tribal people came a roaming as is the nature of the tribal groups. The tree had now lived a thousand years of existence growing to a huge height and had become very sturdy. And the don had suffered all that he could, from all the creatures of the forest and it continued as usual. The birds kept shitting and pecking, the lizards and snakes laid eggs, and generations of all species bred from the tree. The don had to live with all that chirping and hissing and all the dirt they gave him.

When the tribal people saw him, they saw that his was a good tree and the sap was very useful. They brought with them axes and started cutting on the parts of the tree that yielded tremendous sap. They also started cutting the branches of the tree .This, in addition to what he went through was real pain. He felt the cut on his body and suffered in agony and when they cut his branches it was like cutting his limbs. He screamed but no one could hear him.  The children used him as a practice area for learning their weapons.  Helpless, he watched as they threw axes and lances into the bark. They praised the tree while he cried in pain.


In a few years, there were some men who came from the city who wanted to build a lodge in the area. They wanted to cut the trees to build the lodge. They came to scan the area, and the don who was miserable with his life saw this as an opportunity to get out of this cursed life. If they cut him down, he would have to suffer a lot, but he would move out of this tree to something else. He had taken more disgrace than anyone could bear, as he felt


The company came with its bulldozers to mow down the trees in the area. The don had a big smile, but he just did not know where his mouth was. His body parts travelled over and he had forgotten what he looked like. The bulldozers started coming towards the tree and the Don waited for his approaching demise.


However from out of nowhere people running with flags, saying “Save the Trees, Save the Trees”. They stood in front of the trees, and slept in the way of the bulldozers saying that they were ready to die to save the trees. The tribal people joined them, and they shouted to the bulldozers to go back and not to cut the trees. After immense protesting, the bulldozers were halted and they turned away. The Don’s hopes were drowned in water as the machines disappeared in the distance.


The Tree lived for a thousand years more and the Don suffered the abuse and it got intense and worse. The don just lived the years with the rage building up his soul, an upsetting quivering rage, waiting for freedom from the body and when he could be free. After two thousand years of existence, the tree contracted a fungus and began to start rotting. The don began to feel the immense pain, but there was a sense of relief as he would now transcend again and be free. He felt he had suffered enough, and wanted freedom. Enough of these creatures!!!


He died a slow painful death, and his soul transcended again. He felt his soul set free as he scoffed at the dead tree with the tribal paying their respect to it. There was darkness as he passed to his new body. He became unconscious, and went into a slumber. In time, he woke up and looked around. Where was he? The setting seemed familiar. He looked hard, and after a few minutes, let out the loudest scream the world may have ever known. If they heard it, as nothing could be heard from the seed that lay deep in the ground. Yes, he was to become a tree again.


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