
Showing posts from 2021

Social Media - the Lethal side

 As the age of technology dawns again and again leading us to new horizons, starting from the first flight taken by the Wright brothers to the computer to the current generation of changing mobiles, from the mobile that was just a phone to the current generation of smart phones which are basically a palmtop computer with excellent features of communication. Along with the changes of the mobile came new changes in communication - apps and websites that made it possible to speak to people nationally and internationally, at the click of a button. And now, people could form groups, in thousands and probably millions. People can now communicate with their celebrities on the internet, people can share information, jokes and images in seconds. All of this comes down to what is now popularly known as social media. And though social media has brought about many changes which are good to humanity, it does bring it's share of evil. All the goodness of social media can be tilted to reveal a ne

The Revenge of Reincarnation

                                                                                                                                                                    Smoke, it rose in the air … swirling in the room with the white curls rising and circles created one by one only to vanish in seconds in the colorless air. A big lounge chair was at the center of the room, and in that room smoking his cigar, sat the Don. He blew the swirls of smoke while he puffed his cigar.   His cheeks contracted and his eyes as he took huge puffs pulling the smoke inside his body.   He held his glass of Scotch in the other hand, the smoothest whiskey ever seen. He had a huge intimidating presence, and always demanded the best of everything.   A highly materialistic mind, he had amassed a lot of wealth and fortune over the years. He was from the underworld, and this road was not a rosy one. It was a road of thorns, and it was not him who suffered from the thorns – but the people who experience his