

            Joe sat on the middle of the Street looking at his new future, which was really not a good sight.What was he to do, as he had to face it. A couple of years back, he had a home of his own, a beautiful house in the middle of the city. Unfortunately, the rents had skyrocketed and the eye of the builder took a toll on his home life. Documentation won in the end, as he lacked the right papers and then came the foreclosure – his house being locked in front of his eyes and the authorities started taking over the possessions – and he was left standing in one corner with the few belongings that he had. The people around him just went about as it was only business to them, and never even bothered to look at him. He stood there , a man who had lost the house that his ancestors had worked so hard to build. For Joe and his family, this was a beautiful house but for the modern world it was just a structure for protection.

       He walked away from the house as early as possible. Did he not love his house, and was he not attached to it. But as Joe saw it, there was a big crane in the distance that he could see, and he did not want to see his house coming down. So he ran as fast as he could, and as far away as possible and sat in an alley which was dark where he cried his heart out.

   Joe is just one of the cases of homelessness that happen every day in the world. Whereunstable economies are tearing the world apart.  I can’t tell you the experience of losing a home, but I can definitely tell you that their world falls apart. The moment you find you are losing the security of your house and are being cast out in the streets where you have to live with the street lamps. I would be devastated personally, and I feel for the people who are in these situations too.

Coming on the streets brought Joe to a different world –  where unhygienic conditions, crime, bad weather conditions and despair worked hand in hand. Joe , a person who was brought up in a culture of respect and proper upbringing will now be introduced to the people of the streets – hoarsely shouting ladies, knife yielding men and  environments with filth and infections all around.

Places on the street are filthy. Dirty water puddles and foul smelling odors, and the gloominess of your mental health all the time. Homelessness has many faces in the world – from the people sleeping on the roads in America, to the families sleeping in their cars  and the beggars standing on the roads begging for food in Europe to the people of India who sit around waiting for a helping hand with that same depressed look in their eyes. You toss the coins to them, and they still have that depressed look . the money doesn’t change that look in their face – not a bit. You go about , and it’s that same feeling on the face as you walk across the street . As the eyes are the windows to the soul, so you see what is in those eyes , as you travel down deeper and go to a broken spirit – a spirit that is torn apart, and is in serious need of repair, which needs Gods touch.

 We may not be able to help them with money and other goods, however we can help them with a kind word and a little love – that could probably heal them from the inside. There are many things that the homeless face, and  its not the conditions that people who live in homes have to go through. No, they have it much better. They don’t have to sleep in the cold or in extreme heat, neither do they get disturbed while sleeping by cops or thieves. Having to stand in the heat of the sun and walk around for some shade while people sip lemonade in their homes and  being infected with disease and not having the money to pay for their wellbeing and treatment is just a few of the things that we know. And all this could wear a person down.

A  few good words could go a long way to help these people…….


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