Pablo Picasso and Axl rose - the Connection

                                                                            Pablo Picasso and Axl rose

                                               What connection!!? What connection could an artist and  a performer have. You may ask. In the land of creatives, they are two different leaves of two different trees. what connection could these two have - a  singer who has vowed audiences with his exceptional performances and  an artist who has reached the heighest scales of art . Both of these performers have been excellent in their performances, have seen the highest heights in their career. for one thing, both are highly sucessful personalities, fame and fortune has been there for them and their popularity peaks as ever. One has struck his chords in the heart of a generation and beyond and those chords run across the world. The  other is a much talked about artist in the  art cirle, and his works continue to inspire artists in the world. So the similiarity of these two is basically their success. However, sucess is something that a lot of  people have acheived in this world. so....., is it sucess that is the connection....... or is it someting else. what could connect these two people toghether ? how would we put these people toghether. the answer lies in the women.
                                      Yes, the women. yeah, thats right. the women connect axl rose and pablo Picasso. No, they never shared the same women. the women in their lives were actually the inspiration for their works. They were basically not
one - women men. Picasso,s life was filled with affairs with women and he drew his inspiration from them , Axl too in current times has written many songs about the women he had relationships with. Pablo picasso's paintings depict various stages of his relationship with women in his life. Jeaulousy and anger with one of his lovers, Fernande Olivier caused him to throw the idea of fixed perspective out of the window and change the course of western art. he also made one of the most inflential paintings of the 20th century – Demoiselles d'Avignon during his relationship with her.
Axl rose , during his time with Erin everly gave the world two great numbers " sweet child of mine "( of course, a cover)  and  " November rain " which ranks high on the popularity charts till today. these numbers came out during a relationship where there was a lot of violence. the relation was decribed as a hellish relationship  with a touch of sweetness. so through this strain is where these great songs come out. The same thing could be said for Picasso who during his relationship with his wife olga kohkolova started making paintings of tortured masses of teeth,limbs and vaginas.
But there were also times in the life of Picasso where he was settled down to a domestic life,  by his muse Francois gilot,
of whom he made a series of radiant drawings and Paintings. the same cannot be said for  Axl Rose as the only girl he seems to have had a steady relationship with is Michelle Young , the song  "My Michelle " is about her. Both Axl and
Picasso had weird attitudes towards women. Picasso thought of women as "either Goddesses or doormats"
Axl rose used thewomen he slept with , like Adrianna smith to record a sex act during the recording session of  " rocket queen ". This shows the extent that both these artists got inspired from women or used their women to their advantage.
Picasso could be very pleasant and flirtatious towards women and at the same time he was very brural and harsh, but it
felt very real. Axl on the other hand needs no introduction for being straightforward or  rude, I guess he,s made that way.
Both artists have bashed and mistreated women, and these women have been at the receiving end of things. some of the
women life were affected mentally and the last woman in his life, Jacqueline Roque shot herself. Axl's cases seemed milder in comparison as though he harrased women and mistreated him, they got back to him, suing him for harrassment
and he did have to face problems from a lot of sources. These men are real threats to women, they are termed as "womanizers" and "woman bashers" which are just a few terms to describe them. But how do you explain such good work from such hellish sources. how could someone who has abused  a woman use the expereincwe to create such a wonderful musical masterpeice that generations sing on ? or the work of art that springs from the tears of  a dejected woman. These works still continue on today, there must be something to this? the equation is not right, but is standing.
Though we know this sort of  thing is bizarre , it is a part of history now and we are just left ........... wondering, curious.


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