
Showing posts from May, 2013

For the Better, I guess - A Short Story by Trinity Lobo

                                                                        For the  Better, I guess                                           The car moved at the speed of light on the dark high slopes of the dark mountains. The moon hid in the clouds, and the darkness spread out wide. while the cars went zooming about, at one side of the road fallen in the mucky dirt , lay the body of a man in pain. This man, had his hands clutched tightly to his privates below his crotch . He lay there in the dark groaning in pain, while the cars passed by in the bosom of the night. The night went on , and he tried to get up, but his pain kept him down. Finally , a car passing by saw some blood marks on the stone which were fresh and sensed that something was wrong. The car stopped and the man was releived to see torches alshing on his face.... like a person lost in the desert had found water.         This man was Richard Trout and this particular day started out like any other day for him. He

Hey, Mr Vegetarian

                                The doors opened ..... with a bang. There he stood, in all his splendour , in his purity shining in that beautiful white light . He walked in to the  crowd who gaped at him at his attire and his stiff upper lip. who was this being who had come out from nowhere and into this room. The stars faded away and eveything came to the normal state of being, as everyone went back to doing their own thing. The stranger came and sat on the table next to me , looking at me with a cocky arrogant grin. Sitting next to his table, he called the help Me: Hey !!! Goodday. How are you Doing Stranger :  I'm good. My name is Don  --- Don Fandango. Good to meet you Me:  So you're new in town .People like you are not seen in these parts Don: Yes, thats right. I,m new out here He had the most odd attire, probably it was some kind of costume, it had a most bizzarre look. It was a shining costume which crossed the line between funny and amazing As I reflected

The Reptilian Brain

                                                                                                                                                              The Reptilian Brain                                                                                                          The Human Brain !!!!!! the thing that  has made many changes to the world we live in . It creates wonders in the world . Bringing about the change in the world , building up economies and creating human marvels all originate from thought and will to do something better. Truly, an amazing part of us that has taken us to great heights. The brain evolves from experiences, and due to constant thinking the brain has made changes that only one species on this planet has acheived , and that is man. The master of this planet , he has made the changes that take this planet forward to new dimensions and also he has revolutionised the way of thinking on the planet .       However, the brain is specific to