
Showing posts from December, 2012

Guns "n" Roses Forever

                                                                             Guns "n" Roses Forever                                       Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guns and Roses Forever. COOL!!!On the grounds waiting in anticipation for the group with fixed  eyes to the stage.The Guns and roses mania was brewing in a potion of excitement and joy. The show was supposed to start at  4 pm , but nothing ha...

The Latin Mass

                                          THE LATIN MASS                                    Sunday morning!!! got out of  bed . Expecting a  sunday of working on the computer and  doing my routine learning on the computer. got up staring at the screen and  looking into the computer. Staring at the computer, i continued my work and was sipping my coffee,....... when the phone rang. I answered, and at  the other end was a  friend, who had called after quite some time. we talked casually, the usual way of conversation and things... He told me about his life, things were not so steady and he...